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Enhance immunity and promote growth

The most balanced and bioaugmented all natural aquaculture feed additive, specially formulated to reduce incidence of disease and mortality and to improve weight gain for shrimp, fish and aquatic animals. Bioture enhances feed conversion rate (FCR) significantly.


  • Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, β-1,3-β-1,6-glucan and mannose-oligosaccharide (from Paecilomyces sp.), Yucca schidigera extract, proteinated mineral premix, vitamin premix, ginger and amino acid complexes .
  • How does Bioture work?

    Bioaugmented with Probiotics: Aquaculture feeds differ greatly from other animal feeds as unconsumed and left over feeds will not only be a waste, but also become a source ofpollution leading to increased BOD and increasedinfection, causing diseasein the pond. Aqua-Gold is bioaugmented with specially selected natural probiotics that act as seed culture. This seed culture of beneficial microorganisms multiply many thousands oftimesto eliminate, by competitive exclusion, pathogens such as Aeromonas and Vibrio
    species, which all are indigenous to aquatic environments. These probiotics produce many enzymes to digestfish wastes and excess feed, to oxidize ammonia, to reduceturbidity, and to decreasenitrites and other N-compounds, thus promoting a healthy aquatic environment.

    Bioenhanced with Prebiotics: B1, 3-B1, 6 D-Glucan is a potent natural polysaccharide that has a broad-spectrum of immune stimulating activities to boost the immunity of animals.
    Mannan-Oligosaccharide can attach to pathogens, thereby preventing them from adheringto cells ofthe intestinal tract and avoiding infection.
    Chelated trace mineral proteinates promote faster and more complete absorption of trace minerals. This is of special significance as shrimp have a short Gl tract.
    Saponin and other aromatic compoundsin Yucca schidigera extract can workto inhibit urease activity as well as bind and remove ammonia.