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A Natural Way to Maximize Feed Power

Bioture is a beyond basic yeast product. This unique and broad-spectrum feed additive is a synergistic combination of several important natural growth-promoters for modern livestock and poultry production.

Benefits of Bioture:

    • All natural ingredients with biogenic performance – enhancing effects, no withdrawal time
    • Immunostimulatory effects, stabilize gut microflora, and improve digestion, diarrhea prevention
    • Reduce mortality, especially effective for baby animals, due to their unsterilized gut microflora and
      their poorly developed immune system
    • Improved digestibility with significant improvement in feed efficiency, average daily gain, flock
      uniformity, livability and increase reproductive performance
    • Assist livestock to realize their genetic potential
    • Increase feed palatability as Bioture contains glutamic acid, an appetite enhancer, resulting
      in gastric juice secretion and salivation improves nutrient utilization.
    • Live yeast cells and all probiotics are DNA profiled for strain consistency assurance
    • Bile salt tolerance: In the gut, bile salt concentrations are inhibitory to many probiotics.
      Each of probiotic strains can stand up to high concentration of bile salts.
    • Microencapsulation protects the probiotics by a special process of coating. When the
      probiotics reach the gut, enzymes break down the coating to release the probiotics.
    • The stability process used for Bioture manufacturing gives Bioture the ability to withstand
      the heat of pelleting process (up to 85 ℃) which means Bioture can be incorporated in a
      pelleted feed with minimum loss of activity.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Microencapsulated live Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their metabolites to improve gastrointestinal health and nutrient availability.

YEASTURE contains several specific strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with high fermenting and reproductive capacity, as well as the medium these were grown in.


Microencapsulated lactic acid-producing bacteria:
Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, Enterococcus faecium

These beneficial bacteria inhibit the colonization of pathogens in the digestive system by producing antagonistic metabolites and/or receptor competition, known as competitive exclusion. They also produce metabolites of digestive and nutritional value to animals.

Bacillus subtilis

Spore forming bacteria Bacillus subtilis:
Bacillus subtilis spores have been shown to competitively exclude E. coli and other pathogens in the intestine. Feeding Bacillus subtilis spores have also been shown to greater the performance as well as to improve the intestinal histology such as increased villus height.

Immune enhancers

β-Glucans are natural polysaccharides that have a broad spectrum of immune-stimulating activities to boost the animal’s natural response to pathogens. Scifeed obtain its β-Glucans from fungus that are enriched in molecules, β1,3-β1,6 D-Glucan. This particular β-Glucan allows for immune cell cross-link receptors to achieve high immune-stimulating efficiency.

Scifeed’s β1,3-β1,6 D-Glucan

Comprehensive range of digestive enzymes:

— Amylase — Protease — Lipase — Cellulase —
— Hemicellulase — Pectinase — Xylanase — Lactase —

To enhance the digestibility of the diet, not only to improve feed efficiency, but also to leave little substrate for pathogens in the lower intestine, i.e., to stiffen pathogenic bacterial growth in the lower gut.